台北市奎師那意識學會_八月份計畫表 |
ISCON Taipei Schedule August 2008 |
Taipei City Foundation for Krishna Consciousness |
From the dealings between Mother Yashoda and Krishna we can understand the exalted position of a pure devotee in loving service to the Lord. Yogis and philosophers cannot even approach Krishna, they must remain very far away from Him. Great demigods always worship the Lord by meditation and service. Yet this same Krishna became so dependent on Mother Yashoda that He sometimes cried before her like an ordinary child. Yashoda was always overwhelmed by intense love for Krishna, not knowing who He was or how powerful He was. Because of her material affection, she never even cared to know who He was. This is an example of pure love for Krishna. |
從「雅首達」媽媽和奎師那之間的關係,我們可以理解對主的愛心服務中純粹奉獻者的崇高地位。瑜伽師和哲學家甚至不能夠接近奎師那,他們必須待在離祂很遠的地方。偉大的半神人總是以冥想和服務來崇拜主。連閻羅王都害怕奎師那。然而就是這個奎師那,祂是這樣地依賴雅首達媽媽,有時後會像一個普通的小孩那樣在她面前哭鬧。「雅首達」的心中總是洋溢著對奎師那的母愛,她不知道奎師那是什麼人,祂是多麼地有力量。因為她的母愛天性,她甚至從來不想知道祂是誰。這是對奎師那純粹奉愛的一個典範。 |
August 2008
If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the particular direction mentioned on the label of the medicine, or as directed by the physician. Similarly, the Bhagavad-Gita also should be taken or accepted as it is directed by the speaker Himself. The speaker of the Bhagavad-Gita is Lord Sri Krishbna. - Srila Prabhupada |
如果我們想用服用某種特別的藥物,就得遵照標簽上的說明,或者遵照醫囑。同樣,我們也應接受《博伽梵歌》的本來含義,就像講述者本人所指導的那樣。《博伽梵歌》的講述者是聖主奎師那。 ─聖帕布帕德 |
August 1 ~ August 10
Date: Sunday, August 10 Time: 17:00-20:30 P.M. Activity: Sunday Program ‧Learning of chanting vedic mantra ‧Developing your insight in original Indian philosophy ‧Making friends with kind people ‧Enjoying a free vegetarian dinner Address: Ding-Zhou-Road, 3rd Sec., 192/ 4F, Taipei City. (GongGuan Area) Tel: (02)2365-8641 ‧ 0918-029115 Email: 日期:8月10日星期日 時間:下午17:00-20:30 活動:星期天聚會 ‧唱頌韋達(吠陀)曼陀羅消除內心中無目標的生活焦慮 ‧在原始的印度哲學裡培養深層的內在 ‧友善的交友聯誼 ‧享用免費的素食晚餐 地址:台北市汀州路三段192號4樓 (公館捷運站水源市場出口) 電話: (02)2365-8641 Email: |
August 11 ~ August 17
Date:August 12 Activity: Annada Ekadasi On Ekadasi, fasting from all kinds of grains and beans, no any kind of rice, no oats, wheats and no seasame, nor seasame oil. No soy-sauce, so soy-bean salad oil. We can take vegetables, fruits, all kinds of nuts, potaotes,sweet potaotes, peanuts, topioca, and buck wheat, and we can use sun-flower oil, olive oil. 日期:8月12日 活動:艾卡達西 當日戒食五穀,包括戒食各種穀類、豆類、大米、小米、 各種麥類,也不吃芝麻。可吃蔬菜水果、乾果核仁、地瓜、 馬鈴薯、花生西谷米及喬麥可食。但注意不要用醬油、麻油、 沙拉油及不純的花生油。因為一般的花生油掺了沙拉油等。 可用葵花油、橄欖油。 |
Date: Saturday, August 16 Time: Start From 10 A.M. Activity: Jhulana Yatra ends Sri Balarama Purnima 〈fast till noon; Second month of Caturmasya begins. Yogurt fast for one month〉 Address: Ding-Zhou-Road, 3rd Sec., 192/ 4F, Taipei City. (GongGuan Area) Tel: (02)2365-8641 ‧ 0918-029115 Email: 日期:8月16日星期六 時間:上午10點開始 活動:千秋節完結 聖主巴拉茹阿瑪的顯現日 〈斷食至中午;四月苦行第二月──戒食乳酪〉 地址:台北市汀州路三段192號4樓 (公館捷運站水源市場出口) 電話: (02)2365-8641 Email: |
Date: Sunday, August 17 Time: 17:00-20:30 P.M. Activity: Sunday Program Srila Prabhupada's departure for the USA ‧Learning of chanting vedic mantra ‧Developing your insight in original Indian philosophy ‧Making friends with kind people ‧Enjoying a free vegetarian dinner Address: Ding-Zhou-Road, 3rd Sec., 192/ 4F, Taipei City. (GongGuan Area) Tel: (02)2365-8641 ‧ 0918-029115 Email: 日期:8月17日星期日 時間:下午17:00-20:30 活動:星期天聚會 聖帕布帕德啟程往美國 ‧唱頌韋達(吠陀)曼陀羅消除內心中無目標的生活焦慮 ‧在原始的印度哲學裡培養深層的內在 ‧友善的交友聯誼 ‧享用免費的素食晚餐 地址:台北市汀州路三段192號4樓 (公館捷運站水源市場出口) 電話: (02)2365-8641 Email: |
August 18 ~ August 24
Date: Saturday, August 23rd Time: 4:00-8:00P.M. Activity: Celebrating Sri Krsna Janmastami Appearance of Lord Sri Krsna ‧Kirtan Music Dance ‧Theater Yoga ‧India Mini Market ‧Vegetarian Snacks ‧108 auspicious prayers chanting ‧Pushpa-bhisheka Flower offering Address: Taipei City Council Hall Ren Ai Road, section 4, 507 (next to SunYatSen Memorial) Tel: (02)2365-8641/0918-029115 E-mail: Co-sponsor:Trinity-Indian store, 02-27567992 日期:8月23日星期六 時間:下午4:00-8:00 活動:聖主奎師那顯現慶祝會 ‧108首吉祥祈福禱文唱頌 ‧音樂‧舞蹈‧話劇‧瑜珈 ‧印度文物展售‧素食點心 電話:(02)2365-8641 / 0953-351520 地址:台北市議會交誼廳 台北市仁愛路四段507號1樓 (國父紀念館旁市政府前) |
共同贊助者:駱興印度香料店 02-27567992
Date:Sunday, August 24 Time: Activity: Sri Krsna Janmastami Appearance of Lord Sri Krsna 〈fast till midnight〉 Address: Ding-Zhou-Road, 3rd Sec., 192/ 4F, Taipei City. (GongGuan Area) Tel: (02)2365-8641 ‧ 0918-029115 Email: 日期:8月24日星期日 時間: 活動:聖主奎師那的顯現日 〈斷食至子夜〉 地址:台北市汀州路三段192號4樓(公館捷運站水源市場出口) 電話: (02)2365-8641 Email: |
August 25 ~ August 31
Date:Monday, August 25 Time: 7:00-10:00 P.M. Activity: Nandotsava Appearance of Srila Prabhupada (Fast till noon) Address: Ding-Zhou-Road, 3rd Sec., 192/ 4F, Taipei City. (GongGuan Area) Tel: (02)2365-8641 ‧<skype:span onmouseup |