2009/08 我們要搬新家了, 新的台北中心廟址如下:



                         吃肉 = 加速全球暖化
(每多一名素食者,就可以多挽救地球上一英畝的樹林。) (一英畝=4046.85平方公尺)

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【第一章】    在庫茹柴陀戰場上查看軍隊


在庫茹柴陀戰場上當兩軍對峙, 準備作戰時, 非凡的戰士(阿爾諸納 arjuna)看到他心愛的親屬, 老師和朋友, 在敵對雙方的軍陣中準備作戰, 犧牲自己的生命. 被哀傷和憐憫之情壓倒的(阿爾諸納 arjuna), 心亂如麻, 失去了力量和戰鬥的決心.




   dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre 

                 samaveta yuyutsavah

  mamakah pandavas caiva 

                 kim akurvata sanjaya






兌塔瓦施陀問: 桑佳雅阿! 我的兒子和潘杜的兒子都想打仗. 他們集結在聖地庫茹柴陀後做了什麼?


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【至尊奧義書  梵中英譯文對照】




   o purnam  adah  purnam 
purnat  purnam  udacyate 
purnaysya  purnam  adaya                    
  purnam  evavasisyate   

格首神既完美又完整. 因為祂既完美又完整, 一切流衍自祂的都是完美的整體. 圓滿的具備應有的一切, 就如這個現象世界. 任何產生自完整的整體, 本身也完整. 因為祂是完整的整體, 雖然有這樣多完整的單元自祂而流衍出, 但是祂依然既完整又均衡.

  The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja is arriving today
Thursday August 28th
and departing on Thursday September 4th, around noon.

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Sri Balarama Purnima Celebration
Gaura Nitai

Saturday, August 16, Start From 10 A.M. 
16 星期六 上午10點開始

Sri Balarama Purnima Celebration

Singing song
namas te halagraha
namas te musalayudha
namas te revati-kanta
namas te bhakta-vatsala 
namas te dharani-dhara
namas te balanam strestha
pralambam namas te'stu
ehimam krsna-puivaja

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主題:韋陀火祭 – 和平與繁榮的火祭

時間:2008年8月9日 上午9:00-12:00


韋陀火祭 – 和平與繁榮的火祭。 

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ISCON Taipei Schedule August 2008
Taipei City Foundation for Krishna Consciousness
   the divine mother of god

From the dealings between Mother Yashoda and Krishna we can understand the exalted position of a pure devotee in loving service to the Lord. Yogis and philosophers cannot even approach Krishna, they must remain very far away from Him. Great demigods always worship the Lord by meditation and service. Yet this same Krishna became so dependent on Mother Yashoda that He sometimes cried before her like an ordinary child. Yashoda was always overwhelmed by intense love for Krishna, not knowing who He was or how powerful He was. Because of her material affection, she never even cared to know who He was. This is an example of pure love for Krishna.
August 2008
If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the particular direction mentioned on the label of the medicine, or as directed by the physician. Similarly, the Bhagavad-Gita also should be taken or accepted as it is directed by the speaker Himself. The speaker of the Bhagavad-Gita is Lord Sri Krishbna.
                                - Srila Prabhupada


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  sarira  avidya-jal  jodendriya  tahe  kal
         jive  phele  visaya-sagore
  ta'ra  madhye  jihva  ati  lobhamoy  sudurmati
         ta'ke  jeta  kathina  samsare

bhai-re -兄弟們啊/ sarira-物質軀體/ avidya-愚昧/ jal-羅網/ joda-indriya-物質感官/ tahe-它們/ kal-死亡/ jive-靈魂/ phele-投擲/ visaya-感官享樂的/ sagore-海洋/ ta'ra-它們/ madhye-在....之中/ jihva-舌頭/ ati lobhamoy-最貪婪的/ sudurmati-控制不住的/ ta'ke-那/ jeta-征服/ kathina-很困難/ samsare-在這個世界中/

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(Keshava-bharati dasa Goswami Maharaja) 

Panca-tattva Maha-mantra 影片





我們都會在他的名字之後加上瑪哈-茹阿佳(Maharaja) ”

某某swami maharaja”這樣的稱呼


[ 梵文名詞釋義 ]



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ISKCON Taipei Harinama June 15, 2008 
ISKCON Taipei 6月15日齊頌聖名Harinama活動 

聲唱頌主奎師那的聖名 (Harinama),並且派發祭餘

2008-June-15(Saturday) 3:00 p.m. 

in originally performing the Harinam Sankirtana,
congregational chanting the name of Lord!

Then we will walk in to the area (Ding-Zhou-Road and Roosevelt Road) and start chanting and distributing prasadam. 

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  Sri Krishna  Janmasthami  Celebration 

108 auspicious prayers chanting

Pushpa-bhisheka Flower offering


Kirtan Music‧Dance‧Theater‧Yoga

India Mini Market‧Vegetarian Snacks

日期:823日星期六 下午4:00-8:00

Date: Saturday, August 23rd 4:00-8:00P P.M.

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Glory to the sri-krishna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.

ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam  
sreyah-kairava-candrika-vitaranam vidya-vadhu-jivanam
anandambudhi-vardhanam prati-padam purnamrtasvadanam
sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam

榮耀歸於齊頌聖主之名 Krishna 之名.為我們的心拭淨經年的積塵,
熄去條件化生命的火焰 ~ 生死輪迴的火焰,這運動傳播月亮恩澤的光芒,

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           namas te narasimhaya    prahladahlada- dayine

         hiranyka'sipor  vaksah  sila- tanka- nakhalaye
                        ito  nrsimhah  parato  nrsimho  
                        yato  yato  yami  tato  nrsimhah

              bahir  nrsimho  hrdaye  nrsimho

          nrsimham  adim  'saranam  prapadye

    tava  kara- kamala- vare  nakham  adbhuta  'srngam

               dalita- hiranyaka'sipu- tanu- bhrngam

  ke'sava  dhrta- narahari- rupa  *jaya  jagadusa  hare 

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        Hare Krishna   Hare Krishna   Krishna Krishna   Hare Hare 

        Hare Rama     Hare Rama       Rama  Rama       Hare Hare  

     唱頌 「哈瑞-奎師那 哈瑞-奎師那 奎師那-奎師那 哈瑞-哈瑞
                  哈瑞-茹阿瑪 哈瑞-茹阿瑪 茹阿瑪-茹阿瑪 哈瑞-哈瑞」

     這個偉大的曼陀羅(Maha Mantra)所發出來的超然聲音振盪,是喚醒我們原有的奎師那意識的最佳方法.

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Lord Krishna's holy name, His form, and His personality are all one and the same. There is no difference between Them. Since all of Them are absolute. They are all transcendentally blissful.                                                    C.C. Madhya   12. 131
    師那的聖名,主的形體, 以及主的性格特質都是具有同樣的能量, 是沒有分別的 .因為他們都是絕對的. 他們都是超然喜樂的.                                                永恆的采坦亞經    瑪迪亞12. 131 

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